To download the game Yakyuken Special Konya Ha 12 Kaisen (J), which is a 540 MB file, you can use the links provided above this text. However, you may encounter some issues with the CUE files, which are needed to run the game on an emulator. A CUE file is a text file that contains information about the tracks and sectors of a CD-ROM image. If your CUE files are corrupted or missing, you can use Sega CUE Maker, a tool that can generate CUE sheets for various CD-based games, such as Sega CD, Sega Saturn and Neo-Geo CD. You can download Sega CUE Maker from the link below.
Yakyuken Special Konya Ha 12 Kaisen (J) is a video game for the Sega Saturn console that was released in 1995. It is a Japanese version of rock-paper-scissors, also known as yakyuken, where the player competes against 12 different female opponents in a strip game. The game features digitized video clips of the actresses, who will remove an article of clothing if they lose a round. The game is considered to be one of the rarest and most sought-after titles for the Sega Saturn.
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Sega CUE Maker is a software program that can create CUE files for various CD-based games. A CUE file is a text file that contains information about the tracks and sectors of a CD-ROM image. A CUE file is usually paired with a BIN file, which is a binary file that contains the actual data of the CD-ROM image. A CUE file is necessary to run a CD-ROM image on an emulator, such as SSF or Yabause, which are popular Sega Saturn emulators. Sega CUE Maker can automatically detect the type of game and generate the appropriate CUE sheet for it.
To use Sega CUE Maker, you need to have the BIN file of the game you want to play. You can download BIN files from various websites that offer ROMs or ISOs of Sega Saturn games. However, you should be aware that downloading copyrighted games without owning the original discs may be illegal in your country. You should also scan the files for viruses or malware before opening them. Once you have the BIN file, you can open it with Sega CUE Maker and choose the destination folder for the CUE file. Then, you can click on \"Create\" and wait for the process to finish. You will then have a CUE file that you can use to run the game on an emulator. 0efd9a6b88